Bryan Alger

Bryan Alger's Fundraiser

Support access to education for kids in rural Cambodia image

Support access to education for kids in rural Cambodia

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.


$235 towards $1,000

I first learned about the Ponheary Ly Foundation while visiting Cambodia in 2012 and have been a supporter since then.

The organization is operated by at least two awesome women Lori, who I met and became friends with, Ponheary of course, and many others. I encourage you to check out the back story here:

One of the reasons I like this organization, besides the mission to provide an education for kids that might otherwise be left behind, is that I know my donations make a significant impact here versus larger organizations because of the small size and because our dollars go a lot further in Cambodia than more developed countries. I also know Lori and some of the selfless sacrifices she has made over the years. Also having visited Siem Reap, and other "cities" in Cambodia, I recognize a great hunger in the country for people eager to improve their situation in the world, and the kids the PLF targets are exactly that demographic.

So join me today in providing support to the PLF and helping to provide a better life for the future generation in Cambodia.