Sharon Miro's Fundraiser
75th Birthday Fundraiser
We're leveling up e-learning, join us and help make a difference!
Your participation in two amazing fundraisers for Sharon's 75th birthday, here on NFG & on Facebook has helped to raise an astounding $3,150.
Setting up the Research Room
E-learning has been an extraordinary unlock for our organization. Beyond keeping our students in education (schools have been closed for the last 18 months, with many choosing to return permanently to the fields instead), it has enabled our students to develop a remarkable sense of digital literacy —many rural Cambodians do not own mobile phones, let alone have access to the internet. We’ve watched our students develop an ability to conduct research, leverage collaborative software & nimbly access resources, like Khan Academy & Google Classroom, to enrich their studies.
We are incredibly excited by e-learning’s potential. And even as school doors do begin to open again, this center + computer labs will help sustain the eLearning momentum.
Thank you so much for your support — your gifts matter!
There are moments in life that are considered benchmarks: first day of school, the day you get married, turning 21, having a baby, turning 30, turning 50, turning 60, and so on.
This benchmark is 75. Wow!
Some of you have been there for many of those benchmarks, and some for a few. Most of you know there is another meaningful benchmark in my life: the year I became a trustee of the Ponheary Ly Foundation. 2007.
The work being done in Cambodia, the work that some of you have seen firsthand and others helped from afar, is astounding. And with each year, like me, it just keeps getting better and better! These last few years have been hard on all of us. But in Cambodia and other developing nations, these things took on greater significance. Imagine being in lockdown and not being able to go to school, with no internet, no devices, no digital literacy, and in many cases also have no access to food. None of the roadblocks placed in their way stopped our kids from finding ways to learn.
What the PLF has accomplished in the last two years has astounded all of us involved, amazed other NGOs, and was noticed by many outside of Cambodia. All these things and more, have shown us that our kids want to learn under any circumstance and have the will to do it under any conditions.
So, this year, I am celebrating my big benchmark to achieve yet another benchmark for our 2800 students in Cambodia. Don’t get me anything, get me this: help me fund what will be the most gleaming silver lining to come from the entire COVID debacle.
PLF has been delivering online classes to our high school students far and wide during 17 months of schools closures. Students return to class with a newfound ability to self-study, group study, collaborate and research. Instead of parking our eLearning initiative, we’re ready to take it to the next level.
Our new Learning Center in Siem Reap will have a robust Tech Curriculum as always. Another prominent feature of the Center will be a lending library. the first of its sort in the City. We’ll be installing 3 mini-labs, one for each grade of upper secondary school and in those rooms, we’ll have 10 computers with internet access, printed study guides for each grade level, access to a printer, and research tools. Students will be connected via chat groups to our Uni students in Phnom Penh who stand ready to help them.
After slogging through 17 months of eLearning, our students are ready to go to the next level.
I want to fund one of those rooms. To trick it out, we need about $3500. Let’s do this!